Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Victim of Financial Mis-Management

I was a victim of a missed financial management before, I was allured by the offer of different credit cards and as a result I was buried in debt, have spent many years paying such debt. I guess credit card companies are lucky it's me they lent money to, as I am a chronically conscientious person. Otherwise these companies would have suffered bad credit loans. Even until now I'm still paying my dues.

My constant resolution? Think twice or thrice if you're responsible enough to manage your funds the next time an offer comes along to have credit cards or any loans. There are stuff worth borrowing, such as home and automobiles as well as education of young kids. You must first consider many factors such as "is this worth a another swipe in my card? Am I a good borrower --- will I be able to pay for it?"

I'm happy that there are such a sites like this over the net that informs about he consequences of unpaid dues. Also those that let you compare credit card company offers and interest rates, also versus those other lending institutions. Assuming you're good enough for these companies to take a risk with, choose from these loan providers and get the best offer so that you will not end up in financial crisis.

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